Galp is looking for impactful startups with innovative solutions that will help change the energy landscape. In this third iteration of the STARTUP THE FUTURE Open Innovation Program, Galp will offer a unique chance for chosen startups to collaborate with Galp and accelerate their business.



Unlock opportunities to:

  • Co-develop a fully-funded pilot with Galp to test your business and gain access to new markets
  • Connect with the Galp Corporate Venture Capital team and world-class experts in the energy sector
  • Travel to Lisbon, Portugal, and showcase your solution at the Web Summit 2024



Galp is calling on startups that offer game-changing solutions to the following challenges:

AI & Blockchain for Enhanced Fuels Value Chain

Leverage advanced digital technologies to improve the efficiency, reliability, and sustainability of the energy infrastructure in particular for biofuels and SAF including:

  • Using AI & sensors-based object recognition to automate waste sorting and boost sustainable fuel production from residues.
  • Providing digital solutions (AI & blockchain) to ensure supply chain visibility, traceability, and sustainability, particularly in tracking feedstock and production processes.

Advanced Construction Techniques & Operational Excellence for Renewables

Integrate cutting-edge technologies for renewable assets' design, installation, and management. While our focus is on the following areas, solutions that address the overall targets are also encouraged to apply: 

  • Non conventional storage batteries.
  • Innovative installation techniques and equipment, decarbonising construction of renewable assets or solve the curtailment issue (e.g. hybridization, insulation techniques).
  • Innovative diagnosis techniques for solar module performance and defects detection (e.g. automation of the process or AI platforms to detect malfunctions).
  • New materials for renewables, from PV cells to wind blades.
  • PV autonomous maintenance, including cleaning and vegetation control.

Next-gen Industrial Efficiency & Heat Decarbonisation

Develop commercial applications adopting innovation technologies for decarbonised energy management and advanced infrastructure. While our focus is on the following areas, solutions that address the overall targets are also encouraged to apply: 

  • Energy audits: analyze data and identify opportunities to decarbonise or increase energy efficiency
  • AI driven energy management: Energy management platforms that use consumption data in addition to other variables (e.g. pricing, weather forecast) to enhance the energy efficiency of the factories, energy price arbitrage
  • Heat decarbonisation through electrification: direct electrification, high temp heat pumps, thermal storage
  • Air compressor control and monitoring

Energy Solutions for Emerging Markets

Tackle energy scarcity by enabling sustainable energy solutions for underserved communities including:

  • Affordable access to services
  • Energy-efficient solutions
  • Mini-grids: generation and distribution
  • Renewable home-energy systems: small (0-10W) and large (10-100W)

Pioneering Eco-Friendly Mobility solutions & Connectivity

Explore cutting-edge innovations aimed at transforming the landscape to revolutionize the way we drive including:

  • EV charging solutions, from integrated solar & storage, to massification of infrastructure
  • Vehicle-to-everything communication technologies (V2X)



You are eligible if you are a Startup working on technology-based solutions for these challenges and are currently at least at an Experimental Proof-of-Concept stage (TRL 3-4).


                                                        Applications close on September 10th. 


Please consult our brochure and website for more details on the initiative. 

You can also contact Yeye Xiao ( or Ahmedaziz Amri ( for any questions.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.